Starting a dealership or becoming a broker
Auto Dealer Consulting
Auto Dealer Consulting Thoroughbred Dealer Service’s staff brings a wealth of knowledge to your automotive business. Our auto dealer consulting services are tailored to each client needs.
Thoroughbred Dealer Service’s staff brings a wealth of knowledge to your automotive business. Our auto dealer consulting services are tailored to each client needs. Although each client’s circumstance is unique, our dealer consulting process remains the same. We will listen to your needs, evaluate the discussed priorities, recommend a plan of action and assist you with implementation.
Our mission is to bring sales and profitability at your dealership to new heights. Our team of experts can assist any department with your dealership. We succeed when you succeed.
Your success depends not only on your work ethic
Used Car Dealers and Buy-Here Pay-Here Dealers
In Georgia, about 1400 dealer licenses are issued each year yet there remain approximately 4000 used motor vehicle dealers year to year. What does this mean to you? There is about a 30% turnover in licensed used car dealers in Georgia each year. Your success depends not only on your work ethic, but also on the knowledge you have and the adaptability your business has to the current market. Beyond inventory, customer management and sales staffing, cash management, accounting, legal responsibilities, documentation requirements and business records all play an important role in an independent dealers success.
Thoroughbred welcomes your call anytime for phone or onsite consultations. See our exclusive Independent Dealer Support Agreement for low cost annual phone support.
assist your dealership
Franchised Auto Dealer Consulting
Thoroughbred Dealer Services has assembled an accomplished team of experts to assist your dealership in any department. Our professionals have a highly accomplished background, for their area of expertise, in multiple franchised dealerships. If your dealership is repeatedly struggling to meet forecast in any department, please give us a call and let us assist you with increasing sales and profitability at your dealership.